Monday, February 1, 2010

Current Collection - 1969

Fortunate to have a number of cards already in the 1969 set, the first of three dominating years for the Orioles, where they eclipsed the 100-win mark each year, made three World Series appearances, and won one of them. While the memory from this year will well be the deflating five-game Series loss to the Mets, this 109-win regular season team, remains one of the team's and baseball's best of all time.

I don't quite remember how I acquired most of these cards, since the first year I collected as a kid was in 1970. Somewhere over the years I came into the good fortune of being given many from the list below, several of which are the team's prime players, including the starting outfield of Buford, Blair and Robinson, shortstop Belanger, and two aces in Cuellar and McNally. Thus, the sheet currently looks as follows:

LF - Don Buford
CF - Paul Blair
RF - Frank Robinson
SS - Mark Belanger
SP - Mike Cuellar
2B - Dave Johnson
RP - Eddie Watt
OF - Dave May
SP - Dave McNally
RC - Mike Adamson (P) and Merv Rettenmund (OF)

Among the most difficult I anticipate to acquire on the wish list will be those missing in my collection from the starting lineup:

1B - Boog Powell
3B - Brooks Robinson

As well as:

SP - Jim Palmer
C - Elrod Hendricks
Mgr - Earl Weaver

And would very much like this year's special card:

Bird Hill Aces, featuring Tom Phoebus, Jim Hardin, McNally and Cuellar

What about Andy Etchebarren? Was he the catcher this year, and does he have a card for the year?

Also would be nice to add some of the pitching staff, such as Tom Phoebus and Pete Richert. (Were they both still on the team?)

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